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Karan August: 'Aesthetic Emancipation' (Jan 21)

Welcome to an open guest lecture in the KTH School of architecture's Thursday nights event series. Karan August is concerned with the philosophical concepts underpinning our engament and creation of architecture. The lecture, with the undertitle 'Lifting the veil of Iris with care', takes departure in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant and 'the cognitive faculties affording universal aesthetic judgments'.

Time: Thu 2016-01-21 18.00

Location: Main atelier (A108), KTH School of Architecture, Oscars backe 5

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Kant generally has a pretty fussy and pedantic reputation.  While this is fair to say of neo-Kantians, contemporary Kantian scholars, or almost anyone at a Kant conference; it is not fair to say of Kant.  The talk will address Kant’s account of the canonical philosophical practices of the care of the self, via an elaborate metaphor depicting the relations of the cognitive faculties affording universal aesthetic judgments.

is a  Lecturer in Architecture Theory & History at Plymouth University . She has taught philosophy, art history and design studio courses since 2007. Her formative academic training was in philosophy at University of California, Berkeley. After which she steadily travelled the world and fell in love with architecture, which led to undertaking a Masters of Architecture in New Zealand and completing a Ph.D. in Architecture at the Delft School of Design, at the Delft University of Technology. She is on the editorial board of  Footprint , the TU Delft peer-reviewed journal for architecture theory.

Free and open to the public – this event can also be found on  KTH-A's facebook page .