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Shohei Shigematsu: 'Milstein Hall at Cornell University' (Feb 10)

Welcome to the public events programme of the KTH-A and an open guest lecture by Shohei Shigematsu, partner at OMA and Director of the firm's New York office. As part of the KTH-A's ongoing lectures series on architecture and pedagogy, Shigematsu has been invited to present Milstein Hall, OMA's project for Cornell University’s College of Architecture, Art and Planning (AAP) in upstate New York.

Time: Wed 2016-02-10 18.00

Location: Main atelier (A108), KTH School of Architecture, Oscars backe 5, Stockholm

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Milstein Hall at Cornell University AAP, by OMA

​Shohei Shigematsu  is a Partner at  OMA  and Director of the New York office. Since joining the office in 1998, he has been a driving force behind many of OMA’s projects in the Americas and Asia. Shohei provides design leadership and direction across the company for projects from their conceptual onset to completed construction. Shohei is in charge of a number of cultural projects including the Quebec National Beaux Arts Museum and the Faena Arts Center in Miami Beach – both scheduled for completion in 2015 – as well as direct collaborations with artists, including a studio expansion for Cai Guo Qiang in New York, the Marina Abramovic Institute for the Preservation of Performance Art in upstate New York, and a pavilion in Cannes housing a seven screen system designed for Kanye West. Shohei is also currently designing a number of luxury, high rise towers in San Francisco, New York and Miami, as well as a mixed-use complex in Santa Monica. His engagement with urban conditions around the world include a new civic center in Bogota, Colombia; a post-Hurricane Sandy, urban water strategy for New Jersey; and a food hub in Louisville, Kentucky, featuring a diversity of program to reflect the full food chain, as well as a new foodscape of public spaces and plazas where producers and consumers meet. He is a design critic at the  Harvard Graduate School of Design , where he is conducting an architecture studio entitled Alimentary Design, considering how to use food as a catalyst for architecture and urbanism.