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Artistic Research Ethics – research between vulnerability and empowerment

The Swedish Research Council welcomes to a seminar.

Time: Thu 2023-11-23 10.00 - 16.00

Location: A123, Kungliga tekniska högskolan, KTH, Osquars backe 5, Stockholm och digitalt

Language: Swedish

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The Swedish Research Council organized a symposium on artistic research ethics already in 2016, which culminated in a yearbook on the theme (2017). Much has happened since then, and there is a great need to draw attention both to ethical questions raised and initiatives being taken in artistic research and in neighboring fields.

The tightening of the ethical review legislation that has taken place in recent years has evoked concerns and great uncertainty among researchers in many fields. Not least has this been the case in artistic research. What can be subject to research and how?

Deadline of registration to participate on site is 15 November.

Artistic Research Ethics – research between vulnerability and empowerment - Vetenskapsrådet (