Learnings / Unlearnings: Environmental Pedagogies, Play, Policies, and Spatial Design Conference

Konferensen, som äger rum 5-7 September på Färgfabriken, ingår i ett Formas-finansierat forskningsprojekt och är också del av ett nytt samarbete mellan ABE-skolan och konsthallen Färgfabriken.
Tid: To 2024-09-05 kl 16.00 - Lö 2024-09-07 kl 18.00
Plats: Färgfabriken

Urban pedagogy has sought to advance an understanding of the environment through spatial practices — such as art, architecture, craft, design, and planning — by ways of learning, often employing immersive, embodied, and experimental formats. With the attention currently given to lifelong learning – by UNESCO, EU, UN Sustainable Development Goals – and Designed Living Environments, we see an opportunity towards activating and developing the field in formal and informal settings for learning with the environment. The conference draws on historical and existing environmental learning cultures for advancing new perspectives from resourceful material practices to considerations of social justice in art, design and the built environment educations.
Website with book of abstracts Learnings/Unlearnings: Environmental Pedagogies, Play, Policies, and Spatial Design