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Timescape Garden

Peter Lynch on the 2021-2023 Vinnova project "Timescape Garden".
Timescape Garden, a project focused on the design of an urban wildlife garden/ biodiversity preserve in Norrköping

All welcome to the Architecture Research Seminar: a presentation by Peter Lynch on the 2021-2023 Vinnova project "Timescape Garden". Invited discussants are Yael Hamieri Sainsaux and Dr. Mats Nordahl.

Tid: Fr 2023-04-14 kl 13.15 - 15.00

Plats: A608

Videolänk: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/67042903633

Språk: English

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The project is focused on the design of an urban wildlife garden/ biodiversity preserve at Syltenberget, Norrköping. The 4000 square meter garden, which will be completed by the end of 2023, is a framework to investigate landscape design methodology.

The project has philosophical, design, and research dimensions: What kinds of attitudes/outlooks incline us to value marginal, non-scenic landscapes? How do designers practice these attitudes/outlooks, and transmit their understanding of a landscape’s value through their design work? How can we measure the effects of landscape design work on biodiversity; on animal populations; on visitors’ attunement to nature?

Peter Lynch, architect, is a researcher and former guest professor at KTH School of Architecture. He is project director for the "Timescape Garden." His Stockholm studio Building Culture PLA offers design services and conducts research in architecture, urbanism, and building technology.

Dr. Mats Nordahl is a complex systems and data science researcher based at KTH Division of Theoretical Computer Science.

Yael Hamieri Sainsaux is an architect, writer and curator based in Switzerland, and PhD candidate at The City College of New York. She created and curated the “Conceiving the Plan” exhibition at the Italian Pavilion of the 17th Venice Architectural Biennale, and directed and edited the project's publication by Skira Editore in 2022. "Conceiving the Plan" brings together essays and projects, including the Timescape Garden, in honor of the late architect and Cooper Union professor Diane Lewis.

A draft text is available through the KTH Social page: https://www.kth.se/social/group/kth-higher-seminars/event/peter-lynch-research-presentation/