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Exhibition/Presentations - Second Year

Industrial builing in Örnsberg
Industrial builing in Örnsberg

Tid: To 2024-02-15 kl 15.00 - Fr 2024-02-16 kl 16.30

Plats: KTH-A Entréplan

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Join us for the exhibition of the spring semester’s first design project in the second year, TECTONICS ORNAMENT TRANSFORMATION. During this 5-week course, students have measured and developed working drawings of 4 existing buildings on site in smaller groups and proposed an individual small-scale renovation/intervention to transform these spaces. Each studio has worked with a different built work and program for transformation, along with studio-specific methods.

On Thursday, we have a vernissage open to all, 15-18. On Friday, there will be 8 parallel groups following a schedule of 10-minute poster presentations/discussions (in Swedish) between 9-14. At 14, we welcome a visiting group of Bachelor students from Germany, who will be guided through the exhibition by the 8 student groups (in English) between 14-15.30. Feel free to find a group and tag along!

Built works/Program

STUDIO 1 (A108):Konstakademien

Program: Convert exhibition space to one of the following- Chambre Separee, Educational Space, Flower Shop

STUDIO 1: Konstakademien
STUDIO 1: Konstakademien

STUDIO 2 (Amöban): Ektorp Centrum

Program: Convert office building to housing

STUDIO 2: Ektorp Centrum
STUDIO 2: Ektorp Centrum

STUDIO 3 (A124): Nationalmuseet

Program: Convert exhibition space to one of following- bar/club, playground, café/restaurant, newspaper library, flower shop, 2nd hand pop-up store, non-denominational chapel, pottery studio

STUDIO 3: Nationalmuseet
STUDIO 3: Nationalmuseet

STUDIO 4 (A123): Industrial builing in Örnsberg

Program: Convert to agricultural hotel with one of following focuses- hotel rooms on one floor, foyer/lobby/breakfast area, renovation of large spaces on Plan 0


15/2 Thursday 15.00- 18.00 Vernissage

16/2 Friday 9.00- 14.00 Short Poster Presentations (Swedish)

  14.00- 15.30 Guided Tours of exhibition (English)

  15.30- 16.30 Exhibition is taken down/Clean-up