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Nicole Kalms: "Provocations of the [Hyper]sexualised City" (Higher Seminar, Sep 11)

An excess of sexualized images increasingly pervades public spaces in the United States, Europe and Australia. The paper will discuss how the sexualized events of urban life have not only moved from the interior spaces of private consumption into public space but that the multi-modal proliferation of ‘hypersexualization’ normalizes sexual transgression. A series of case studies will be analyzed through a feminist rubric to foreground emergent socio-cultural sexualized systems ‘at play’ in the city and will argue that sexualized urbanism legitimizes gender stereotypes and contributes to violence towards women.

Time: Thu 2014-09-11 12.00 - 14.00

Location: KTH School of Architecture, Östermalmsgatan 26, A3

Participating: Nicole Kalms, Monash University

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Nicole Kalms lectures in the Department of Architecture at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Nicole's research interest are in the field of contemporary urbanism and feminism. In 2013 she was awarded the Women's Planning Network scholarship in public space. Nicole has forthcoming research in the Architectural Humanities Research Association's new journal, Architecture and Culture and the forthcoming Ashgate publication: Occupation: Ruin, Repudiation and Revolution. Nicole is currently completing a research project and book titled Hypersexual Urbanism. In 2015 Nicole will lead the Interior Architecture program at Monash University with a focus on cross-disciplinary approaches to design media and spatial theory.

Contact Hélène Frichot if you want copies of papers related to the seminar.

The Higher Seminars form a course for doctoral students in Architecture, but also a public forum for discussing architecture through a series of seminars held regularly on select Thursdays between 12.00 and 14.00; deviations from this time will be announced. All seminars will be announced in the KTHA calendar.