Citizenship, the Nation State and Universal Basic Income:
Scenarios in Art, Architecture, Anthropology and Sociology
Venue: Tensta Konsthall
Symposium with Christopher Kulendran Thomas & Annika Kuhlmann, James Holston, Jennifer Mack and Roland Paulsen, moderator Maria Lind
Language: English
Free and open to all
Download a detailed program here (pdf 282 kB)
How could citizenship be reconceived in an age of globally accelerated dislocation but also in localized insurgence in the context of global urbanization? Given diminishing public confidence in many existing political institutions, what is the role of technology enabling alternative forms of societal organisation to develop beyond national borders? How does notions of work and the phenomenon of universal basic income play into this?
14:00 Introduction
14:15 New Eelam, presentation by Christopher Kulendran Thomas & Annika Kuhlmann
15:00 Scaling Direct Democracy,lecture withJames Holston
15:45 Break
16:00 The Construction of Equality, presentation by Jennifer Mack
16:45 Panel discussion
18:00 Break
19:00 The productivity growth and possibilities for a universal basic income, lecture with Roland Paulsen
19:50 Q&A, conclusion
21:00 Drinks in the café
Christopher Kulendran Thomas is an artist currently presenting his project ‘The New Eelam’ at Tensta Konsthall.
Annika Kuhlmann is a curator who are collaborating with artist Christopher Kulendran Thomas on ‘The New Eelam’.
James Holston is a political anthropologist and professor at the University of California, Berkeley.
Jennifer Mack is a researcher at the School of Architecture at KTH and at the Institute for Housing and Urban Research at Uppsala University.
Roland Paulsen is assistant professor at the Department of Business Administration, Lund University.
The symposium Citizenship, the Nation State and Universal Basic Income: Scenarios in Art, Architecture, Anthropology and Sociology is developed and produced as a collaboration between Tensta Konsthall and KTH School of Architecture as part of the exhibition New Eelam: Tensta and the public event series Researching Architecture.
RESEARCHING ARCHITECTURE is a public program of events highlighting and discussing the role of research and its relation to architecture practice and society. Through various forms of dialogue the program aims at presenting ongoing research and connecting academia and architecture practice as well as other fields, issues and contexts. Researching Architecture is presented as part of the KTH School of Architecture Events Series 2017.