A Spatial Orientation to Museums

Museum Configurations demonstrates how museum space functions cognitively and communicatively and questions whether it can be designed to provide a rich embodied experience, situating displays and their public in felicitous dialogue.
Including contributions from authors working in the disciplines of architecture, psychology, museum studies, history and the visual arts, this volume addresses an interdisciplinary audience. The analysis of a wealth of examples shows how the voices of architects, curators and exhibition designers enter into dialogue and invite visitors to make their own connections between physical, cognitive and affective space.
The book builds on collaborations over several years, including studios on museum design at GeorgiaTech. From KTH Architecture, Daniel Koch contributes with a chapter on the embodied communicative character of movement titled "Narrative, dramaturgy and spatial choreography: movement and subjectivity in museum configurations”, which combines choreographic theory with architectural and spatial analysis.
The book is available in digital version at the KTH library.
Museum Configurations -- An Inquiry Into The Design Of Spatial Syntaxes
Ed. John Peponis
Published 2024 by Routledge