New Towns, Arrival Cities

New Towns, Arrival Cities is an EU-funded project with five researchers from KTH School of Architecture: Jennifer Mack, Helena Mattsson, Meike Schalk, Erik Sigge and Erik Stenberg.
The two-year project “New Towns Arrival Cities”, led by the Municipality of Nissewaard and coordinated by the International New Town Institute, is a platform for knowledge exchange between six European New Towns and four research institutions on the topic of migration and the role of cultural diversity in shaping contemporary multicultural society. The project consisted of five two-day “New Town Labs” looking at the main theme through different lenses: art and culture (Lab#1 – Milton Keynes, UK), public spaces as drivers of inclusion (Lab#2 – Sabaudia, IT), processes of urban citizenship (Lab#3 – Grand Paris Sud,FR), adapting the welfare state model infrastructures (Lab#4 – Vällingby, SE) and the need of a new alliance government-citizens (lab#5 – Nissewaard, NL). While placing migration at the centre of the reflection, the 'New Towns, Arrival Cities' project has brought together European city representatives, researchers, students, citizens, local migrant communities, universities, local associations, experts and engaged them in a series of intercultural events which have directly involved 710 people and 76 international delegates representing ten partners’ institutions.
The project «New Towns, Arrival Cities» was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens"

KTH School of Architecture participates in the project through Jennifer Mack, Helena Mattsson, Meike Schalk, Erik Sigge and Erik Stenberg. In collaboration with Stockholm City District of Hässelby-Vällingby the group organized Lab#4 in Vällingby on December 12-13, 2018. For more information about the lab, see
Project information (pdf 238 kB)
description and program:
For more information of the project’s all five labs, see:
- Lab#1 Milton Keynes, UK: “Culture, Migration and Identity” (November 22-23, 2017) (link: )
- Lab#2 Sabaudia, IT: “Re-planning collective spaces to rediscover our roots” (May 16-17, 2018)(link:
- Lab#3 Grand Paris Sud, FR: “Migrants in a new town: a process of citizenship” (October 17-18, 2018) (link:
- Lab#4 Vällingby, SE: “Adapting To Present Needs - The ABC-Town in Transition” (December 12-13, 2018) (link:
-Lab#5 Nissewaard, NL: “Reshaping government-citizen relations” (Feb 20-22, 2019) (link: )